@ stacks

Stacks is a terrific, open-source clipboard manager built with the Rust based Tauri framework, which optimizes for secure, lightweight, multi-platform apps.

Most recent post: release notes: v0.15.6


Stacks releases are getting backed up as I try to work out how "pipe clip to shell" should hang together. To minimize distractions from formal release processes, Iā€™m currently just dropping preview releases directly in the Stacks' Discord channel. If you'd like to grab the latest version of Stacks, swing by! (link below).

Current release is >= 0.15.8


What can you do with a Clipboard Manager?

If you've never used a clipboard manager before, you're in for a treat. Once you incorporate one into your workflow, it's revelatory, to the point where not having one installed makes your computer feel incomplete.

At their core, clipboard managers transform your research routine. Instead of constantly toggling between sources and notepads ā€” going through the cycle of copy, switch, paste, and repeat ā€” they help you stay in the flow: copy multiple items consecutively, then curate and paste as needed.

source: hapgood.us  overlay: Keystroke Pro

Made by @ndyg